Bingo has its own terms as does any sport. Here is a table with the main Bingo terms put together:
Term Explanation
Auto-Daub A feature in online Bingo, the game is much easier as the balls drawn will
be automatically marked on the cards.
Ball Door Through this door rolls the ball in the mechanical Bingo.
Ball Elevator A ball Elevator is the device that the pulls the if this is not done by human
Ball Runway Mechanical Bingo balls roll along this path to the ball door.
Bingo Markers With this pen, the already drawn numbers are marked on the cards. There
are also online Bingo rooms that use the mouse instead of a pen.
Caller The caller is the playmaker who draws the winning numbers and calls out
The balls. If you are playing online Bingo the balls drawn will get called
by a computer voice.
Early Bird Game The Bingo game for early birds: The first round of Bingo of the day.
Free Space The playing cards in Bingo usually have an empty seat in the middle
which is marked with a covering sheet or a pen before the start of the
Jackpot A large cash prize you get when you meet certain conditions, for example
if you hit a 90 ball Bingo with the first 50 numbers drawn every 15
numbers on the game card.
Lotto Lotto or Lotto-Match are used in certain regions in the German-speaking
countries as synonyms for Bingo.
Moneyball This bonus-ball doubles the profits of the Bingo players.
Multiple Winners Multiple winners - this is the case when on the last ball more than one
person completes the required winning combination. Usually the profit is
then shared. It is also possible that the person who has already covered
more numbers on his card game, receives a larger share of the profits.
One to go This is a warning to other players that you only need one number for to
call Bingo!
Progressive Jackpot A progressive jackpot grows with every game played, until it is cracked.
Then it is paid and reset to the initial amount.
RNG The Random Number Generator is a random number generator when the
balls are not drawn by hand. The RNGs of online bingo rooms are regularly reviewed by independent auditors.
Speed Bingo A very fast variant of Bingo, is ideal if you fancy a game, but only have a
little time.
Online Bingo chat abbreviations
Chat abbreviation Explanation in English
1TG One to go, someone still lacks a number to call Bingo!
2TG Two to go, there are two missing numbers to Bingo!
ASAP As soon as possible, as quickly as possible
BBL Be back later, come back later
BRB Be right back; I'll be right back
BTW By the way, incidentally
CU See you, see you
CYA See you, see you
FYI For your information, the information
GG Good game
GL Good luck!
RF Have fun, enjoy it
IMHO In my humble opinion, in my opinion
K Ok, it is clear
LOL Laugh out loud
OMG Oh my gosh, thunderstorm
THX Thanks
TY Thank you
U2 You too, you also
90 Ball Bingo Probabilities
Bingo is a game of chance. Accordingly, no player can choose a strategy that will increase its average expected profit per dollar or Euro, at least not without the standard Bingo jackpots. Nevertheless, it is interesting to know how large the probability of a series, on two rows or a full house, is a full sheet. We have therefore the chances for the spread in Europe 90-Bingo numbers together. The graph illustrates the relationship between the drawn balls (x-axis) and the probability of finding a line, two lines or full house to get a game card:
The expectation is that you can get a line much easier than two lines or a full house. However, one must be patient for a while: In the 90 ball Bingo, it is a little more likely to complete within the first 30 balls drawn a horizontal line.
Also, the chance is very low, to achieve a full card within the first 60 balls drawn: it is only 0.12% or about 1 to 860th The full list of the detailed probabilities of 90 percent-ball Bingo, we have appended further below.
Have you read enough about probabilities and fancy a game of Bingo? Try party Bingo or Bingo Betsson. Both providers are completely in German and offer a variety of Bingo variations, so one is never bored!