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Wednesday, 6 June 2012
Introduction to the Roulette


Play roulette

Roulette games. Roulette is one of the best known casino games available today. You can play it on virtually any website along with many other casino games. The game consists of a rotating wheel with different fields and a ball. There are two different versions of roulette, the European one and the American one. The difference between the two lies in the number of fields. The European roulette table contains 37 fields while the U.S. one contains an extra zero, the so-called double zero. Some sites offer both variants, while others offer only one of them. You can read about the offers of each casino on the website.

Playing roulette online is just like playing the game in a real casino, which makes it very different from many of the other games offered in online casinos today. You have a variety of options and you can place one or more bets on any of them. Then a croupier (this is done digitally on the internet) throws the ball in the direction opposite to the one the wheel spins in. A dolly is placed on the winning number and all losing bets are removed. You win if the ball lands on any of the numbers you have bet on. Thus, you win the amount that corresponds to the payout for the bet you have made on that particular number.

Roulette systems

There are a number of roulette systems that can improve your chances in the game of roulette. This number is large, but what you should remember is that there is no safe roulette system. You should not rely on a system completely, but it might be good to have some kind of roulette strategy when betting. Some of the better known systems are: the Martingale system, the 1-2-3-6 system and the Fibonacci system, which is known from Dan Brown's book "The Da Vinci Code".

Roulette is an exciting and intense casino game. It can be learned very easily and become profitable very quickly. Many websites offer this game for free in case you do not feel ready to play and gamble yet. That way you can learn more about the game, think of possible strategies and learn about the different systems you can apply. You should read more about the different online casinos you can choose from and find  some where you can play for free just for training.

Good luck!

Posted by serni52 at 10:23 AM EDT
Monday, 28 May 2012
The Art of Smoking


The incision

What to do:

- The lighting of a Havana begins with a seemingly barbaric practice that requires skill and refinement: the beheading. The beheading of a cigar (which is almost always closed) has further consequences.
- Use a cigar cutter (a guillotine or scissors).
- Incise the head of the cigar at mid-cabochon (a 1 or 2 mm tip).

Your incision should be straight and clear so that the drawing is correct.

What not to do:

- Do not make the incision with your teeth or fingernails because it may be unclear and damage the head of the cigar.
- Never push a match in the head of the cigar: this sacrilege has a disastrous effect on the combustion and it damages the filler binder and causes the formation of a plug of nicotine.
- Avoid cigar cutters that make V-shaped incisions as they lead to a concentration of tar and nicotine which spoils the end of the cigar.


cigars - Use a big match (90 mm long) or a lighter that runs on gas. Carry the flame to the foot of the selected module. Put the cigar in your mouth, breathe slowly away from the flame and rotate the cigar slowly without stopping the ignition. The filament must be flat and uniform. The secret is to pull gently at first (three to four times) and then suck deeply. The latter operation causes the mixture of smoke and saliva. The association precipitates and reveals aromas and power. Drive your cigar slowly. Lighters or candles are not recommended because the ignition causes a strong odor.
- The torch lighter is now in fashion. This mini-torch is very powerful, but it also has its enemies. There are still discussions on this topic. Ignition is certainly easier, it inflames the filler cap and it also reaches the "heart" of the cigar very shortly. However, this firing is aggressive. The tobacco leaves are charred brutally. This conflagration increases the risk of craters, which affects the homogeneity of the pipe. However, the torch can be very useful to light off the pure. Nevertheless, this flame thrower is an easy solution.


The first thing you need to understand in order to store a cigar properly is the role of moisture. It guarantees the taste of the cigar and maintains a good appearance. The cape may tear when a cigar from a cigar case is too dry. It burns very quickly and often causes a sensation of spice and pungency. A too wet cigar, on the other hand, will burn slowly and the risk of extinction is very high. It cannot develop its full aroma as it is saturated with water. Acrid and heavy smoke will emerge. Even worse, it may rot. Therefore, it is imperative to control the relative humidity in order to enjoy your cigars in optimal conditions. The humidity levels should be around 70%. The temperature is secondary. However, be careful because high temperatures favor the development of parasites in tobacco. Maintain a temperature of 16 to 18 ° C if you can, but never exceed 20 ° C.

Follow these tips in all conditions:

- If you do not have a humidor, store your cigars in their original box in a cool, ventilated place that is protected from light. You can put them in the cellar. Do not leave them on standby for more than ten days. You can wrap the boxes in a damp towel.
- If you have a humidor, remember that the humidity level should be 70%. Keep it steady and check it using a simple hygrometer.
- Prefer distilled water or demineralized water to tap water in order to maintain your humidors because the latter carries bacteria. Change it regularly.
- Open your humidor occasionally in order for the air to regenerate and change your cigar room.
- It is recommended to remove the cellophane wrapping of a cigar and unscrew the caps of the metal tubes for better wetting.

Posted by serni52 at 9:22 AM EDT
Monday, 21 May 2012
The Domestication of the Dog on the Basis of Archaeological Finds

It is not so easy to determine when men began to cooperate with wolves. Anyway, there was a time when they were hunters and gatherers. They lived together in groups and moved from place to place. They probably had already discovered fire. People did not use fire only for preparing their food and protecting themselves from the cold, but also for keeping the wolf pack away. On the other hand, their way of life was probably not so different from that of wolves. This is probably what led single wolves joining people. The common hunt may well have brought benefits to both parties. The wolves living with people changed over the generations and eventually turned into dogs.

All the information we have about this period was collected from archaeological excavations. Tools made of bones and stones were kept in favorable conditions for thousands of years. People did not build houses back then, so most references are to graves. No speculations can be made on the significance of the skeletons and objects that were found.

picture of dogs.

The dog grave in Oberkassel, Bonn, Germany

Such a grave was accidentally discovered in a quarry near Bonn in 1914. In addition to two human skeletons, it also contained several items and animal bones. For example, a jaw bone was found. It is not known whether the dog was buried with humans, or whether the bone was a grave good, but it is certain that it belonged to a dog and not to a wolf.

The finds were dated 1994. Therefore, they are approximately 12,000 to 14,000 years old. This was the oldest pet-related finding ever made for a long time. Several such finds were made in various parts of the world in the meantime. It was believed that the domestication of the dog took place about 14,000-18,000 years ago. The distances between the sites pointed towards several independent domestication cases.

There is now an information board at the archaeological site in Oberkassel, Bonn, Germany, so tourists can visit this site whenever they want.

Genetic studies

Genetic analysis is possible today. The comparison of the genetic material of wolves with that of today's dogs points to the separation of the two, i.e. the domestication of the dog, some 135,000 years ago. However, it was confirmed that several independent domestications must have taken place. This finding has led to a dispute between researchers because there were no people in the regions of the world where wolves were indigenous 135,000 years ago. This last sentence holds true only for Homo sapiens because Neanderthals were already there. Did they really tame the wolves? Perhaps the wolves tamed themselves inspired by the people around them. There is no clear answer to this question because there are no archaeological findings from the period of domestication of dogs. However, researchers are still looking into this evolutionary stage and hope to have answers at some point, so research has not made any progress in this direction for quite some time.

Posted by serni52 at 9:12 AM EDT
Monday, 14 May 2012
A Cover for Your Pool in the Winter


Your pool needs a winter tarp that fits during the winter. The winter sheet retains dirt (leaves, insects) and allows the water to remain clear, thus making you maintenance job easier in the summer.

The winter cover for your pool is an opaque PVC cover fitted with grommets and bungee cords, which make your winter cover highly resistant. Sometimes custom-made, this winter cover fits almost all types of existing swimming pools. Generally, it has a drainage system and can be installed very easily. The winter cover for your pool can be replaced by a safety net, which will filter out the dirt.

Above-ground pools can be covered with a winter tarp, but freestanding pools must be deflated or removed!

The automatic pool cover provides comfort!

The automatic pool cover or shutter moves toward the pool and is very easy to operate using a remote or a key and a reel.

The automatic pool cover

The automatic pool cover can be placed above the pool or slightly submerged in it, depending on the type of coverage. It can also be installed with or without rails. So, there are two possibilities:

- The components of the automatic pool cover may slide on rails laid on each side of the pool and wrapped in a box at the end of the pool;
- The pool blind may slide over the water and be wrapped in a box, which is built into the pool.

plumbing. Automatic pool covers are strong and provide full security around your pool. The shutter of the automatic pool cover is made of 1 to 2 cm thick PVC, polycarbonate or wood slats. The rigid shutter is placed over the pool. It can prevent a child from falling into the water, thereby ensuring the protection of your children. The shutters installed on rails are a bit more solid, being firmly attached to the rails along the entire length of the pool.

The pool shutter costs around 4,000 USD and must be installed by a professional.

A solar blanket to enjoy the summer

The bubble cover or solar blanket keeps the heat away from the pool water and sometimes slightly increases the temperature. The coverage was also prevents impurities from depositing in the water and minimizes the evaporation of water.

You can cover your pool with a solar cover when it is not in use. It is convenient and lightweight. The bubble cover comes in contact with the water. But be careful for the solar blanket not to have a chlorine shock or be exposed to extreme heat.

Solar blankets are cheap and effective, but they cannot be used as security blankets or winter covers. These solar covers are exclusively designed to preserve the quality and temperature of your water in the summer.

The bar pool cover

Bars can be used to cover the pool both in the summer and winter. They protect your in-ground pool water and also ensure the safety around the pool.

The advantages of a bar pool cover

Some pool covers are used as bubble covers in the summer, while others are specially designed for the winter. A bar pool cover has two advantages:

  • It maintains the quality of your water in the summer - it prevents dirt from falling into the pool, maintains the water temperature, etc...
  • It also serves as a winter cover. It is tough enough to protect your pool during the winter.

Bar pool covers can be used throughout the entire year. A bar cover is made of PVC reinforced with rigid bars. The strength of the bar cover makes it safe. It should comply with the NF P 90-308 standard on safety covers.

When your pool is not in use, you can cover it with a bar cover to protect the swimming environment from pollution, bad weather, but also to minimize the risks of falling into the pool.

Posted by serni52 at 10:05 AM EDT
Friday, 4 May 2012
To Be or Not to Be a Pro - That Is the Question

Any person who is in a televised tournament poker is assumed to be a professional poker, especially if the media have assigned them the title officially because they have a very distinguished style of play or because they have collected millions of dollars in the biggest poker tournaments in the world.

But the professional poker may be subject to debate because there are so many elements that need to be taken into consideration that the true meaning of this title may lead to confusion.

How can you tell if a person plays poker for a living or not?

It is very difficult to distinguish who is truly professional and who is amateur based on the style of play and on the amounts of money these players have won playing this game as one of the casino games.

In fact, the circumstances are completely different. There are players who play only in their free time and there are others who have contracts with poker sites. One can also find players who prefer online poker and do not like being surrounded by opponents at the poker table.

The real world

You cannot decide and say that one is a professional and another is not. Each of them has their own way of playing but they all achieve their goal since they all hit the jackpot. You do not have to stay glued to your screen if you want to become a professional online poker player. Play for a reasonable amount of time and also handle the other things in your life. Even poker champions have a fulfilling life outside the poker table. Many of them have families and a million things they have to solve in the real world.


Dare to win

It is well known that poker is a game primarily based on money. You must wager or pay money in order to play. For example, in the best tournaments where you can win impressive amounts you are asked to deposit a significant amount of money.

Remember that you will get something for nothing. Very good players sometimes borrow money and then win and pay it back. Poker really gives you the chance to discover wealth and thus it can change the entire course of your life.

But beware!

Hope is good and stimulating but do not act disproportionately and empty your pockets for no apparent reason. Be reasonable. Do not ruin yourself only because you saw a professional play in a televised tournament and do not let poker invade your life. You can search in the internet for the best online casino and casino games.

Poker is a very interesting game but do not overdo it.

There are many players who are assigned no title, who even remain anonymous, but who have much more experience as professional players and thus invest their money wisely.

Title versus merit

It is important to mention that the professional poker is just a mindset, not a label assigned by the media. As long as you cash in large sums of money, you are considered to have a very good level of play.

Do not worry about titles that can make you doubt your value.

Good luck!

Posted by serni52 at 10:04 AM EDT
Monday, 23 April 2012
The Betting Possibilities in Roulette

Players have multiple opportunities to place their chips. There are minimum and maximum limits at each gaming table. The minimum bet, for example, is usually 5 USd.

The payout

The payout is made after the fall of the ball in a slot. The gains are distributed by the croupier. Then you decide whether to withdraw your winnings and leave or stay and try to multiply them. A winning roulette system is not hard to learn.

Then you ask the dealer to hit the bet with the lowest and the highest chances of winning. You come to play and win the game – that is a short enough message to the dealer - and then you receive your winnings.

It is international practice that the 35th part of each Plein payment is left to the casino for the employees. According to the legislation, all salaries of casino employees must be paid and they do not act as additional "tips" for the dealers. You can win by playing roulette online.
Simple odds payout = Payout: 1:1

Black/Red - This is a bet on all red or all black numbers. The color of the numbers is shown on the wheel.
Odd/Even - This is a bet on all even or all odd numbers.
High/Low - This is a bet on numbers 1 to 18 (Low) or 19 to 36 (High).

Zero is not included among the simple chances. If the ball lands on zero, the bets are locked on the simple chances and their value is then reduced to half the original one. The dealer pushes the chips on the blocking line. In this case, you cannot freely dispose of them, but you can relocate to other simple chances. You can also get paid half the original value on demand.
Dozens and columns = Payout: 2:1


1st dozen = 1 to 12
2nd dozen = 13 to 24
3rd dozen = 25 to 36
* Zero does not belong to any dozen.

1st column = 1 to 34
2nd column = 2 to 35
3rd column = 3 to 36
*Zero does not belong to any column.

If the ball lands on zero, you lose.

Simple transversal – This is a bet on a transverse row of six numbers. Payout: 5:1.
Full transversal - This is a bet on a transverse row of three numbers. Payout: 11:1.
Square - This is a bet on four contiguous numbers. Payout: 8:1.
Cheval - Use on two consecutive numbers. Payout: 17:1.
Straight - This is a bet on a full number from 0 to 36. Payout: 35:1.

You can also place your wager on a series of numbers. To do this, you need to call the dealer and they will place your chips on the smallest and the largest number of the series. The payout includes the use.

Series bets

The table includes additional merge fields. The bets are placed on different fields depending on the serial number of the adjacent numbers. You can cover a series of numbers instead of a single number by placing the required number of chips in the series field. The most important series fields:

The big series - You need 9 chips. This series includes 17 adjacent numbers.
The little series - You need 6 chips. This series includes 12 adjacent numbers.
The zero game - You need 4 chips. This series includes 7 adjacent numbers.
Orphans - You need 5 chips. This series includes 5 numbers on opposite sides of the vessel and 3 adjacent numbers.
Additional bets

There are a number of additional bets, the ones presented below being the most important. The bets are usually placed by the croupier. In some exceptional cases, the chips are not placed on the table, but in front of the player. The dealer can only place the bets after the ball lands. Winning roulette system is not hard to achieve.

The neighbor bet - You need 3, 5, 7 or 9 numbers. Starting from a central point, the right and left neighbors on the wheel are plein (full numbers).
The final bet – This is a bet on the final digits of numbers.
Full final bets – You can only bet on full numbers. For example, the final nine consists of three numbers. The final 3 consists of four numbers.
Split final bets – You can cover two numbers with one chip. For example, the final 3/6 includes 3/6, 13/16, 23/26 and 33/36 and is played with 4 chips.
The final 7/9, on the other hand, is played with 5 chips and the individual chances are 7/9, 17/19 and 27/29.

Have fun trying your luck!

Posted by serni52 at 10:23 AM EDT
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Responding to the Signals Sent by Dogs

Take account of the signals y our dog sends you
What does this mean exactly? It means that you should not force your dog to do something and spare it when it sends certain signals (signals of appeasement or grunts). However, you often hear that the dog will never understand to let go and will never move on if you do not force it to do certain things. Theoretically, it "wins" and things will be even worse next time. This is completely false. This theory often leads to tragic consequences. Fleas on dogs will help in caring for dogs.
What happens if one does not respect the signals sent by their dog?

Here is a common example: the brushing.

Mrs. X wants to brush her Cocker. She takes the brush and comb, puts them on the table and calls her Cocker, which approaches her very slowly, hides its tail between the legs and lowers its ears. Madam X mounts it on the table. The dog is forced after sending signals of appeasement. Thus, it perceives the grooming as an uncomfortable situation.

Once placed on the table, it feels even worse. It hides its tail and lowers its ears. Madam X does not pay attention to it and begins to brush it. She pulls a little on the nodes and the Cocker turns its head to her several times. Then it starts to growl after a while. After a few minutes, the Cocker turns to bite Madam’s hand, jumps off the table and flees.
What does the dog make of this story?
It notes that Madam did not pay attention to it despite all the signals and messages it has sent. Therefore, it loses confidence in its mistress. Furthermore, it learns that it can only get out of that stressful and painful situation by biting.

The next time Madam approaches it with the brush, the Cocker begins to grumble. Madam forces it and the Cocker bites and runs off to bed in its basket.
The next time, the Cocker tries to bite Madam as soon as she takes the brush in her hand because it no longer trusts her... And this is a vicious cycle that can end in a serious accident! Dog flea control is helpful in removing fleas on dogs.

Learn the signals sent by the dog and use them to your advantage

There are certain behavioral sequences that should be applied when a dog sends signals of appeasement in order to make some progress. Here are the things you should do when your dog sends you signals of appeasement:

Show your dog that you have understood its message and then stop doing whatever puts it in an uncomfortable situation. Your dog will trust you when it sees that you understand its language. Confidence is the key point in the relationship with your dog together with manipulation.

Your dog will feel more comfortable if it trusts you and knows that you respect its language. Therefore, it will bear more things.

You can train the dog to withstand stress and avoid situations when it is likely to bite.
The ideal prevention method is to accustom your dog from an early age by associating each of its actions with positive rewards, petting, treats or games...

It is essential to always move forward and stop before the dog sends you signals of appeasement. Thus, it will learn to trust you and you can go further and further.
Your dog bites when you try to dislodge it (it likes sitting on the sofa, in the car, in its basket...): It is very important not to grab the dog with strong hands, but to teach it to always respond to your call. It must move itself. Then it will not bite you. It must link your command to something fun in order not to feel forced. Thus the risk of bites decreases significantly. You must teach your dog these things at an early age.

One last point that should be addressed is that of punishments. It is essential not to punish your dog using force and violence if you want to avoid unfortunate situations. Dogs do not like that. A blank enough "No" is punishment enough if your dog manifests any undesired behavior. It will stop if you do this. It is important not to keep on trying because the dog will not understand and might turn against you.

You must stop reprimanding your dog and praise it when it stops and sends you signals of appeasement so that it understands that you are pleased with its stopping. Fleas on dogs are very annoying. Dog flea control is helpful in removing fleas on dogs.

Here is an example for a better understanding: You see your dog trying to bite on a pair of shoes. You tell it "No" and it drops the shoes and looks at you sheepishly.

Posted by serni52 at 10:55 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 17 April 2012 11:01 AM EDT
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
How to Wire a Programmable Thermostat


Home air conditioning

Traditional programmable thermostats may cost a little more, but they reduce the costs of your electricity bills significantly. The installation of a programmable thermostat in your home can lead to a reduction in your heating and cooling consumption by over 15 percent. The wiring of a room thermostat is a relatively easy DIY project. The device itself costs less than $ 100.

Difficulty: Moderately easy

image of thermostats. Instructions

You will need:

A programmable thermostat
A pencil
A screwdriver
Drywall anchors
A Sharpie pen
A drill

How to remove the old thermostat

Disconnect your source of heating or cooling from the power source. You can do this via your circuit box by pressing the switch of the heat pump or furnace or by removing the fuse if you have an older box circuit.

Remove the control panel and the cover of the old thermostat manually. More traditional models should snap from the wall instantly.

Wrap each end of the wire with a piece of masking tape. Use a Sharpie pen to mark it with the same letter shown near the location of each wire.

Remove the base plate of the old central heating thermostat with a screwdriver and pull the base plate to the wall.

Use duct tape to stick the wire against the drywall, so that it is not inadvertently drawn back inside the wall.

How to install the new thermostat

Hold the base plate of the new thermostat against the wall and use a pencil to mark where you need to drill holes to secure the thermostat back to the wall.

Place a level above the base plate so that the thermostat is straight.

Use your skills to make holes in the drywall and insert the drywall anchors into the holes. These will hold the screws later. Make sure the holes are not too large because the thermostat is likely to drop eventually.

Pull the wire through the base plate before fixing the thermostat on the wall.

Connect the wire of the thermostat in its location. The location of the wire depends on the model of your thermostat, so you should follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully.

Install the batteries needed and attach the thermostat to the base plate.

Turn on the thermostat from your circuit box. Press the switch back on and put the fuse back in. Your thermostat is now ready for programming.

Tips and warnings

When the manufacturer's instructions indicate that the wire should be attached to electrical stations, the wire should be strengthened or wrapped around the set screw in a clockwise direction.

Make sure the wires attached to your existing thermostat are smaller than the cables connected to the electrical outlets in your home before you run out to buy a programmable thermostat. If the wires are larger, they are designed to carry a higher voltage and should be handled by a skilled electrician only. The largest wires with higher voltages are usually suitable for homes with baseboard heating.

Posted by serni52 at 8:35 AM EDT
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Light and Electricity Saving Tips

Power and energy costs – the energy costs are a big part of the living expenses and are not negligible, especially since the electricity price rise continuously. Therefore, they represent a major cost factor in the monthly household budget in many households!

Those who are careful with the use of their electronic devices can simply but effectively save energy without sacrificing their life quality.

Power saving tips

Energy-saving lamps should replace incandescent bulbs for the power consumption of energy-saving light bulbs is much lower and they provide almost the same light conditions. A 60-watt bulb can be replaced with an 11-watt lamp because the light produced is identical.

Spaces that are not used very often should be checked when leaving so that no light remains on.

Much more power is consumed when constantly switching von and off than when leaving the light on.

You should only consume as much power as necessary. If several appliances are plugged into a wall outlet, then you should have a single on and off switch button. Electronic devices save a little power when in stand-by mode, but you can make even more savings by turning them off completely.

Saving electricity begins with the selection of colors for the rooms. You do not need bright light if the rooms are already bright. Thus, you do not have to turn on the lights for as much time as in rooms painted in dark colors.

The stove is one of the biggest energy guzzlers. For example, water should be boiled in the kettle if you want to cook eggs or potatoes. Thus, you save time and current. You can also use an egg cooker, which consumes even less power.

You can also save electricity by using the refrigerator economically. This requires that the refrigerator is thawed regularly. This way, no unnecessary ice is formed and so the refrigerator can work efficiently. Usually, the temperature should be set a little later in winter because the outside temperature is already low. You can also save electricity by arranging the food properly in the refrigerator. Perishable foods should be stored on the top shelves, while less perishable foods and others should be placed in the middle and to the bottom.

Old pieces of equipment such as an old washing machine or an old refrigerator consume a lot of power, so they should be replaced with new equipment. The acquisition costs are lower so you can certainly cover the power consumption fast. The energy bill will certainly be cheaper if you buy new equipment. The old device must not be thrown away simply because the electricity costs are now lower. It could still prove useful if the new one breaks down.

You can save more than 25 percent of the costs with an electricity supplier. Most households are registered with the local primary network. The electricity supplier knows its special position on the market and therefore, does not lower the prices. A change can always be useful. A comparison of providers will determine the potential savings. The contract with the electricity supplier should not be concluded over a long period of time. You can always choose the provider which offers the best prices when your contract with the previous supplier is terminated.

There are measuring devices which can help you identify which devices consume more power. These devices can be purchased from hardware stores, but they can also be borrowed from the local consumer centers.

Posted by serni52 at 10:15 AM EDT
Monday, 2 April 2012
Blackjack Rules

Your goal as a blackjack player is to score as close to 21 as possible without exceeding this value (= bust). Otherwise, you lose automatically. Learn more about the rules below.

The card values

Cards 2 through 9 are worth the number of points they show
Aces are worth 1 or 11
10s and face cards are worth 10
The order is not important.
A blackjack consists of an ace and a 10-value card.
A blackjack beats a 3-card combination worth 21 points.

Learn the rules and play with the best new online casinos that need no deposit at all.

Image of best new online casinos.Soft hands and hard hands

It is usually advantageous to have an ace because the busting risk is low as an ace has a value of either 1 or 11. A soft hand is one where the ace counts as 1 point. For example, you may have an ace and a 7. Thus, the two cards have a value of either 8 or 18, depending on the value of the ace. You decide its value so you can change it during the game.

Accordingly, a hard hand is one where you do not have the option to change the value of the ace. For example, you have an ace, an 8 and a 6, so the ace can be counted as one. Otherwise, you would have more than 21 points, which is a bust. If the ace counts as one, the value of the hand is 15 points. This is called a hard hand or a stiff hand because.

The distribution of cards

Once all players have placed their bets in the box in front of them, each player is dealt two cards from the left to the right. The dealer is also dealt two cards - one is open and the other is closed. The closed card is revealed if the dealer plays their hand. It is important that you know the rules as you play with no deposit at the best new online casinos around.

Your choices

Once you have received your first card, you must choose a strategy. You can ask for extra cards. The use of two cards of the same value in two different hands is called splitting. You can double your bet if your hand promises a safe profit. Read more about your choices below.

Draw (Hit)

Image of best new online casinos.You ask the dealer to give you an extra card. Use gestures: In a physical casino, you hit by indicating the cards with the finger. Keep your cards in your hand and ask for an extra card. Be careful with the scratching and indications if you want any cards.

Hold (Stand)

Select Hold if you do not want an extra card. Thus you keep your current score and you play against the dealer's hand.


If you have been dealt two cards, you can split them into two separate hands. In this case you make an additional bet – equal to the first - in addition to the previously bet stack of chips. The dealer shall then split your hand into two hands. A pair of aces and a pair of 8 should be split.


You can double your bet if you think you have the stronger hand in the starting position. Select this option and get one extra card. However, note that you can only double the bet before you receive the third card. For example, your chances of winning are very high if your first two cards are a 5 and a 6 and the dealer’s open card is a 6. In that case, it is advantageous to double.


If the dealer’s open card is an ace, then they give the players the chance to place an insurance bet. Insurance bets return half the original bet and are placed on the table before the first bet. The donors check whether they have a 10-card under the ace and thus a blackjack. If so, the player wins the tnsurance bet 2:1. Otherwise, they lose the original bet unless they also have a blackjack. Therefore, the bet is classified as "insurance" because it seems to protect the original bet against a donor who has a blackjack. The player loses the insurance bet if the dealer does not have a blackjack and must play the original bet of course. Normally, the insurance bet is a bad bet with a disadvantageous house edge.


Only a few casinos offer this bet. In this case, the player folds for half of the bet. The player can surrender only if they have not yet begun to play their hand. There are two types of surrenders: early surrender and late surrender. They differ in relation to the blackjack. In the former case, the player can form a blackjack before the dealer's cards are revealed. This gives the players a cheap way out in case the dealer has a blackjack.

Now you know the blackjack rules, so good luck!

Posted by serni52 at 9:44 AM EDT

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