You have to understand that thrombosis a blood clot that forms in the leg veins. If this blood clot may dissolve in the blood stream, for example, it may get into the pulmonary circulation and obstruct the pulmonary vessels there. The result is a pulmonary embolism.
The risk of thrombosis in long-distance travel is significantly increased by the long seats during the trip. The risk of thrombosis during long haul flights (economy class syndrome) is well known. Even with bus, rail and road trips, this increased risk of thrombosis exists. For the risk of thrombosis only for hours, to sit still is critical.
Causes of thrombosis during travel
Keeping the blood sitting motionless in the legs is one risk factor. The calf muscles do not support the transport of blood to the heart. Normally, each time walking motion, the veins are compressed by the leg muscles and thus pressed the blood upward. Venous valves prevent the blood to be pushed down. When sitting still, this muscle lacks pump and the blood flow slows down. Due to the slower flow of blood platelets, they clump together more easily to a blood clot (thrombus).
A thrombus usually remains unnoticed as long as it hangs on the wall of the vein. The clot usually dissolves after the landing, when the legs are moved again.
Tips against thrombosis
During the trip:
Drink plenty of water or juice. No alcohol, coffee or tea because of its diuretic effect.
Wear comfortable clothing
No cigarette smoke (lowering the oxygen transport in the blood)
Legs should not hit each other or pinch on the back of the front man.
Walk as much as possible, for example, in the hallway
Vein gymnastics, such as foot circle
Hand luggage ca not affect the leg.
Wear support and compression stockings
Who is most at risk?
Heavily overweight
Heavy smokers
Pregnant woman
All with pre-existing vascular disease
Especially with an already existing risk of thrombosis, you should consult your doctor before traveling. Possibly the use of a blood thinner is necessary.
Jet Lag
How to get fit to your destination
How nice it would travel, if the executive jet charter lag would not be a problem? There are many useful and useless tips on this problem. But everyone is different. It would be best if you could try which fits best as a tactic. But then, the first long-distance travel is missing a few precious days of holiday, you are tired in the hotel room. To avoid unnecessary "experiments", we can therefore recommend the following:
Coffee and alcohol during the flight MUST be avoided, even if it may be difficult for some.
It's not bad if you cannot sleep the night before your arrival with excitement. Being tired to get on the plane is good, because you fall asleep faster and wake up at your destination rested on. Sleeping during the flight is the best way to reduce jet lag
To sleep on the plane you need comfortable clothes and a small pillow. If that's not enough cushion offered by the airlines, inflatable pillow are always available for you to have.
Get off at intermediate stops and stretch legs, even if one gets the offer, while at the intermediate landing in the airplane, you must remain. During the flight, from time to time, you need to walk around, stretch your body and some light stretching exercises will do good for you.
Much water to drink
The air in the cabin is very dry. The fluid loss makes the body tired and listless. At least two liters of water during a long flight to keep fit is enough.
The facial skin becomes extremely dry. A face cream relaxes and refreshes. Similarly, toothpaste and toothbrush and a change of underwear belonging to the hand luggage are vital. On landing, you will feel much better and equally fresh.
If time and budget allow, a stopover book is good. When traveling to Australia, New Zealand and South Seas, this may take slightly more than 30 hours, you get a 1-2-day stop in Hong Kong, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur or Singapore (depending on the airline). Big time changes are then much easier.
For the behavior at the destination, there are many tips. Some advice to adjust the daily schedule immediately, others to sleep first. We recommend: The arrival time is critical. Australia (Sydney / Melbourne) is one example, usually, early in the morning. After a leisurely breakfast at lunch time, you can lie down quietly for a few hours. Forget the good time getting up in the afternoons! In New Zealand and the West Coast of the United States, one often meets one afternoon. By evening, you should employ early and then go to bed at night. It is important to the body to impose anything. If one is tired, it is better to sleep, than to go through. After 2-3 days, you get used to the time change. Incidentally, it is true: The time change is back in Germany as well as a problem for whatever reason.