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Friday, 4 May 2012
To Be or Not to Be a Pro - That Is the Question

Any person who is in a televised tournament poker is assumed to be a professional poker, especially if the media have assigned them the title officially because they have a very distinguished style of play or because they have collected millions of dollars in the biggest poker tournaments in the world.

But the professional poker may be subject to debate because there are so many elements that need to be taken into consideration that the true meaning of this title may lead to confusion.

How can you tell if a person plays poker for a living or not?

It is very difficult to distinguish who is truly professional and who is amateur based on the style of play and on the amounts of money these players have won playing this game as one of the casino games.

In fact, the circumstances are completely different. There are players who play only in their free time and there are others who have contracts with poker sites. One can also find players who prefer online poker and do not like being surrounded by opponents at the poker table.

The real world

You cannot decide and say that one is a professional and another is not. Each of them has their own way of playing but they all achieve their goal since they all hit the jackpot. You do not have to stay glued to your screen if you want to become a professional online poker player. Play for a reasonable amount of time and also handle the other things in your life. Even poker champions have a fulfilling life outside the poker table. Many of them have families and a million things they have to solve in the real world.


Dare to win

It is well known that poker is a game primarily based on money. You must wager or pay money in order to play. For example, in the best tournaments where you can win impressive amounts you are asked to deposit a significant amount of money.

Remember that you will get something for nothing. Very good players sometimes borrow money and then win and pay it back. Poker really gives you the chance to discover wealth and thus it can change the entire course of your life.

But beware!

Hope is good and stimulating but do not act disproportionately and empty your pockets for no apparent reason. Be reasonable. Do not ruin yourself only because you saw a professional play in a televised tournament and do not let poker invade your life. You can search in the internet for the best online casino and casino games.

Poker is a very interesting game but do not overdo it.

There are many players who are assigned no title, who even remain anonymous, but who have much more experience as professional players and thus invest their money wisely.

Title versus merit

It is important to mention that the professional poker is just a mindset, not a label assigned by the media. As long as you cash in large sums of money, you are considered to have a very good level of play.

Do not worry about titles that can make you doubt your value.

Good luck!

Posted by serni52 at 10:04 AM EDT

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