Your pool needs a winter tarp that fits during the winter. The winter sheet retains dirt (leaves, insects) and allows the water to remain clear, thus making you maintenance job easier in the summer.
The winter cover for your pool is an opaque PVC cover fitted with grommets and bungee cords, which make your winter cover highly resistant. Sometimes custom-made, this winter cover fits almost all types of existing swimming pools. Generally, it has a drainage system and can be installed very easily. The winter cover for your pool can be replaced by a safety net, which will filter out the dirt.
Above-ground pools can be covered with a winter tarp, but freestanding pools must be deflated or removed!
The automatic pool cover provides comfort!
The automatic pool cover or shutter moves toward the pool and is very easy to operate using a remote or a key and a reel.
The automatic pool cover
The automatic pool cover can be placed above the pool or slightly submerged in it, depending on the type of coverage. It can also be installed with or without rails. So, there are two possibilities:
- The components of the automatic pool cover may slide on rails laid on each side of the pool and wrapped in a box at the end of the pool;
- The pool blind may slide over the water and be wrapped in a box, which is built into the pool.
Automatic pool covers are strong and provide full security around your pool. The shutter of the automatic pool cover is made of 1 to 2 cm thick PVC, polycarbonate or wood slats. The rigid shutter is placed over the pool. It can prevent a child from falling into the water, thereby ensuring the protection of your children. The shutters installed on rails are a bit more solid, being firmly attached to the rails along the entire length of the pool.
The pool shutter costs around 4,000 USD and must be installed by a professional.
A solar blanket to enjoy the summer
The bubble cover or solar blanket keeps the heat away from the pool water and sometimes slightly increases the temperature. The coverage was also prevents impurities from depositing in the water and minimizes the evaporation of water.
You can cover your pool with a solar cover when it is not in use. It is convenient and lightweight. The bubble cover comes in contact with the water. But be careful for the solar blanket not to have a chlorine shock or be exposed to extreme heat.
Solar blankets are cheap and effective, but they cannot be used as security blankets or winter covers. These solar covers are exclusively designed to preserve the quality and temperature of your water in the summer.
The bar pool cover
Bars can be used to cover the pool both in the summer and winter. They protect your in-ground pool water and also ensure the safety around the pool.
The advantages of a bar pool cover
Some pool covers are used as bubble covers in the summer, while others are specially designed for the winter. A bar pool cover has two advantages:
- It maintains the quality of your water in the summer - it prevents dirt from falling into the pool, maintains the water temperature, etc...
- It also serves as a winter cover. It is tough enough to protect your pool during the winter.
Bar pool covers can be used throughout the entire year. A bar cover is made of PVC reinforced with rigid bars. The strength of the bar cover makes it safe. It should comply with the NF P 90-308 standard on safety covers.
When your pool is not in use, you can cover it with a bar cover to protect the swimming environment from pollution, bad weather, but also to minimize the risks of falling into the pool.