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Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Responding to the Signals Sent by Dogs

Take account of the signals y our dog sends you
What does this mean exactly? It means that you should not force your dog to do something and spare it when it sends certain signals (signals of appeasement or grunts). However, you often hear that the dog will never understand to let go and will never move on if you do not force it to do certain things. Theoretically, it "wins" and things will be even worse next time. This is completely false. This theory often leads to tragic consequences. Fleas on dogs will help in caring for dogs.
What happens if one does not respect the signals sent by their dog?

Here is a common example: the brushing.

Mrs. X wants to brush her Cocker. She takes the brush and comb, puts them on the table and calls her Cocker, which approaches her very slowly, hides its tail between the legs and lowers its ears. Madam X mounts it on the table. The dog is forced after sending signals of appeasement. Thus, it perceives the grooming as an uncomfortable situation.

Once placed on the table, it feels even worse. It hides its tail and lowers its ears. Madam X does not pay attention to it and begins to brush it. She pulls a little on the nodes and the Cocker turns its head to her several times. Then it starts to growl after a while. After a few minutes, the Cocker turns to bite Madam’s hand, jumps off the table and flees.
What does the dog make of this story?
It notes that Madam did not pay attention to it despite all the signals and messages it has sent. Therefore, it loses confidence in its mistress. Furthermore, it learns that it can only get out of that stressful and painful situation by biting.

The next time Madam approaches it with the brush, the Cocker begins to grumble. Madam forces it and the Cocker bites and runs off to bed in its basket.
The next time, the Cocker tries to bite Madam as soon as she takes the brush in her hand because it no longer trusts her... And this is a vicious cycle that can end in a serious accident! Dog flea control is helpful in removing fleas on dogs.

Learn the signals sent by the dog and use them to your advantage

There are certain behavioral sequences that should be applied when a dog sends signals of appeasement in order to make some progress. Here are the things you should do when your dog sends you signals of appeasement:

Show your dog that you have understood its message and then stop doing whatever puts it in an uncomfortable situation. Your dog will trust you when it sees that you understand its language. Confidence is the key point in the relationship with your dog together with manipulation.

Your dog will feel more comfortable if it trusts you and knows that you respect its language. Therefore, it will bear more things.

You can train the dog to withstand stress and avoid situations when it is likely to bite.
The ideal prevention method is to accustom your dog from an early age by associating each of its actions with positive rewards, petting, treats or games...

It is essential to always move forward and stop before the dog sends you signals of appeasement. Thus, it will learn to trust you and you can go further and further.
Your dog bites when you try to dislodge it (it likes sitting on the sofa, in the car, in its basket...): It is very important not to grab the dog with strong hands, but to teach it to always respond to your call. It must move itself. Then it will not bite you. It must link your command to something fun in order not to feel forced. Thus the risk of bites decreases significantly. You must teach your dog these things at an early age.

One last point that should be addressed is that of punishments. It is essential not to punish your dog using force and violence if you want to avoid unfortunate situations. Dogs do not like that. A blank enough "No" is punishment enough if your dog manifests any undesired behavior. It will stop if you do this. It is important not to keep on trying because the dog will not understand and might turn against you.

You must stop reprimanding your dog and praise it when it stops and sends you signals of appeasement so that it understands that you are pleased with its stopping. Fleas on dogs are very annoying. Dog flea control is helpful in removing fleas on dogs.

Here is an example for a better understanding: You see your dog trying to bite on a pair of shoes. You tell it "No" and it drops the shoes and looks at you sheepishly.

Posted by serni52 at 10:55 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 17 April 2012 11:01 AM EDT

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