Power and energy costs – the energy costs are a big part of the living expenses and are not negligible, especially since the electricity price rise continuously. Therefore, they represent a major cost factor in the monthly household budget in many households!
Those who are careful with the use of their electronic devices can simply but effectively save energy without sacrificing their life quality.
Power saving tips
Energy-saving lamps should replace incandescent bulbs for the power consumption of energy-saving light bulbs is much lower and they provide almost the same light conditions. A 60-watt bulb can be replaced with an 11-watt lamp because the light produced is identical.
Spaces that are not used very often should be checked when leaving so that no light remains on.
Much more power is consumed when constantly switching von and off than when leaving the light on.
You should only consume as much power as necessary. If several appliances are plugged into a wall outlet, then you should have a single on and off switch button. Electronic devices save a little power when in stand-by mode, but you can make even more savings by turning them off completely.
Saving electricity begins with the selection of colors for the rooms. You do not need bright light if the rooms are already bright. Thus, you do not have to turn on the lights for as much time as in rooms painted in dark colors.
The stove is one of the biggest energy guzzlers. For example, water should be boiled in the kettle if you want to cook eggs or potatoes. Thus, you save time and current. You can also use an egg cooker, which consumes even less power.
You can also save electricity by using the refrigerator economically. This requires that the refrigerator is thawed regularly. This way, no unnecessary ice is formed and so the refrigerator can work efficiently. Usually, the temperature should be set a little later in winter because the outside temperature is already low. You can also save electricity by arranging the food properly in the refrigerator. Perishable foods should be stored on the top shelves, while less perishable foods and others should be placed in the middle and to the bottom.
Old pieces of equipment such as an old washing machine or an old refrigerator consume a lot of power, so they should be replaced with new equipment. The acquisition costs are lower so you can certainly cover the power consumption fast. The energy bill will certainly be cheaper if you buy new equipment. The old device must not be thrown away simply because the electricity costs are now lower. It could still prove useful if the new one breaks down.
You can save more than 25 percent of the costs with an electricity supplier. Most households are registered with the local primary network. The electricity supplier knows its special position on the market and therefore, does not lower the prices. A change can always be useful. A comparison of providers will determine the potential savings. The contract with the electricity supplier should not be concluded over a long period of time. You can always choose the provider which offers the best prices when your contract with the previous supplier is terminated.
There are measuring devices which can help you identify which devices consume more power. These devices can be purchased from hardware stores, but they can also be borrowed from the local consumer centers.