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Thursday, 9 February 2012
Play Freeroll Tournaments


Why play freeroll tournaments?

Freerolls are preferred by modest players. Remember that freerolls are not for players who want to improve their playing technique or those looking to have fun playing poker. Only the prize pool is interesting. Generally, there are no winnings in a freeroll. By cons, it is not uncommon for them to provide opportunities to participate in tournaments where the stakes are much more motivating.

You will meet players belonging to the following categories:

- Players who do not care about tournaments
- Players who do not know any poker rules

A freeroll is an opportunity for poker players to break free from the constraints of the game, so do not expect to see spectacular poker games.

The first phase of a freeroll tournament:

The pre-flop

You will find it difficult to determine your opponents to fold during this phase. The chances that you get a very good hand against the flop are average. Therefore, you should expose your "monsters" in this phase of the game regardless of your position and even if a bet was placed before you.

In middle and late position, you will have the opportunity to go all-in with an AQ and JJ combination if no one has raised the bid before you.

If you are in late position, you can play with small pairs (pay only the big blind) and with connectors (similarly colored cards in sequence).

On the flop

Fold if you have not cashed in. Stay in the game only if you have two pairs or better! Also bet if the jackpot is large and if you have a flush or straight (on both sides)!

Bet if you have high pairs (the highest card in your hand and the flop) and if there are only two opponents in front of you (or one, of course)! By cons, bet with caution if there are more than two.

image of video poker. The late phase

This phase starts when players have an average of 20-25 blinds. In this case, you have to raise or fold. If an opponent raises before or after you and your hand is strong, call it!

Watch out for stacks: Make sure you have strong cards because otherwise, you will lose your stack.

Be careful if you are facing big stacks that you could be eliminated from the tournament. Poker tournaments strategies are different from cash games. Refrain from playing against them unless of course, you have a very strong hand.

Do not make unnecessary bets and save your chips.

The pre-flop

Raise four big blinds with strong hands - AA, KK, QQ, JJ and AK - in early position. If another player has already raised the bet, follow.

If you have three times the big blind with an AQ or AJ combination, fold. The same holds true if you consider that the amount of the carpet is too large or if you notice that one or more players have placed an ante bet before you.

In middle position, you can add 99 and 10 and you can re-raise.

So, remember: Raise in pre-flop and then restart, depending on the position. Fold if you have an AQ or AJ combination.

On the flop

The hands are arbitrary on the flop. The pot is often significant and you cannot change your mind if you have bet too much.

If you raise on the pre-flop and if there is only one opponent left in the game, you can win half the pot.

Re-raise if you have a high pair or more. The same goes for flush draws.

Act the same way if you have nothing, but hold two cards of a value above that of the cards on the table (also known as community cards).

The long awaited moment has arrived: The final phase!

The final phase

Be happy when you reach this stage because this is not consistent with each party. Now you calculate the payouts without forgetting those who helped you arrive in this final stage.

Behave the same way in the finals as you did in the late phase.

However, focus on your position at the table in the final stages. Bet to win the jackpot when no one has been paid out before you. You will often get the chance to collect the bet if you make the first move (bet).

As for the re-launch of the early and mid-table, remember that they are often in possession of a hand. If there is a raise in early position and when you are in possession of the combinations AA, KK, QQ, JJ, AK, then you should raise, too.

Do the same at the mid-table by adding AQ, 9-9 and a pair of tens.

Posted by serni52 at 9:50 AM EST
Monday, 6 February 2012
Leaves in the Aquarium


Aquarists who pursue their hobby with passion must consider the nature of the biological system they create in the aquarium. This article teaches you about the positive effects of leaves and the leaf varieties that are suitable for shrimp.

The positive effects of foliage

Foliage has three positive effects. The most obvious is that it is often used as pasture and food by the shrimp in the aquarium. Even shrimp living in natural waters count on this food source. The trees shed their leaves on the banks, which then go into the water, disintegrate and serve as food.

Another reason why leaves are often introduced in a shrimp aquarium is because they provide ideal hiding places and refuges. Bearing females in search of peace benefit a lot from this. It is almost obvious that shrimp like grazing and use the piles of leaves in the aquarium as hiding places. Foliage can contribute to the reduction of the number of germs in the aquarium gravel. Moreover, the pH value can be reduced through the use of foliage. This means that the water quality improves and the risk for disease is lower.

The storage of leaves

image of aquarium.It is important to know that only dead leaves can be introduced in the aquarium. Therefore, it is advisable to store some in the fall for the rest of the year. You will find out a little later what types of leaves you can select. You should store the leaves in a sheltered spot to avoid high pollutant concentrations. The stored leaves should be dry so that they can be stored easily. Basically, you can use fallen leaves from the tree and dead leaves that hang on them. The cleaning may be easier if you choose the latter solution because they contain more valuable ingredients.

You can also buy foliage from pet stores if it is too expensive to store the leaves. It is cheaper to walk around with a bag and collect leaves in the autumn. Perhaps you can find dandelions or nettles along the road when taking a random walk. The leaves of these plants are perfect for shrimp. Nettles can also be offered as a treat.

How to place the leaves in the aquarium

The first problem with introducing dry leaves in an aquarium is the following. Dry leaves do not sink very easily when placed in the water. You should soak them in a separate bucket for a day or two first. You can boil the leaves boil briefly if you want to play safe. These measures may have undesirable impurities are removed and the leaves fall off too quickly in the aquarium. Once you introduce the leaves in the aquarium, you can leave them there for a few weeks. The shrimp will quickly pounce on the piles of leaves. You should remove the remnants when the leaves fall too much. Then you can put new leaves in the aquarium and both you and the animals will be happier. Fresh dry leaves are also more appealing from a visual point of view.

Deciduous varieties and their characteristics

Not all deciduous varieties are suitable for use in shrimp aquariums. The use of dried leaves of ornamental and house plants should be avoided. You should make sure you choose the right plants. Here are the types of leaves you can introduce in the aquarium. The list is not exhaustive.

Beech leaves: They are often found in the vicinity of forests. The leaves of the beech tree are relatively small measuring up to 10 centimeters in shape. They have an oval shape and a wavy leaf margin. They often turn reddish brown in autumn. This coloring makes them popular among aquarists. In addition to this, the foliage of beech trees is also quite resilient and does not decompose as quickly as some other deciduous varieties.

Oak leaves: The oak tree is also a relatively common tree in the American forests. Almost every child knows the leaves of this tree. They are striking, especially due to the numerous undulating appendages. Oak leaves also live long in aquariums.

Walnut tree leaves: Walnut trees can be recognized by the large pinnate leaves. Of course, they can also be recognized by the nuts, which are ripe in late summer. Walnut tree leaves are a deciduous variety excellently suited for use in shrimp aquariums. The leaves contain a lot of tannins, which have an antibacterial function and thus improve the water quality.

Catappa leaves: Catappa leaves cannot be found in the American forests, but they can be bought from the pet store. They have very positive effects on the water quality, so this investment pays off nicely. Catappa leaves also contain valuable tannins that can act as a disinfectant.

Posted by serni52 at 10:16 AM EST
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Advice for a Better Investment


New regulations are being considered- changes in the law of the United States of America

There are shortcomings in the investment advice area since the financial crisis is being discussed increasingly. Many investors have complained after they suffered heavy losses on their investments because of the financial crisis. The complaints have resulted in a discussion on improving investor protection, the quality of investment advice and avoiding of false and incorrect advice on all major markets.

Sale takes advice

In Switzerland, the complaints relate to less "ordinary" stock and bond funds rather than more complex investments such as structured products. Therefore, it is likely that many investors get their certificates but do not really understand the risk of bankruptcy of the issuing bank. But not all complain about the face value. For instance, it is only natural that investors are looking for culprits and redirect the responsibility towards the banks to receive compensation. "According to their risk profile, customers have been advised about the progress with barrier-reverse products with yields from 8% to 12% for years and then complained about too high risks, so they were rejected", says Ford.

 The remediation of the defects in the investment advice area is sought through the "Regulation of production and distribution of financial products to private customers". Up to May, 2, the opinions were contrary to the proposals. There is no specific timetable for action says spokesman Tobias Lux. The supervisory authority will inform people on the progress this year.

An information gap and an imbalance between the forces of financial services and retail were found in the analysis of the situation in the autumn. It was said that poor decisions were being promoted both by short-term thinking in financial services as well as by excessive demand and good faith with customers. It had been assumed that the financial service providers that sold products would only pursue the clients' interests, which does not or do not always apply.

So the customer understands that there may be conflicts of interest. It is now mandatory that the financial service providers in the Unites States of America educate their customers on the trailer fees they receive from the sellers if they sell their products. In Switzerland, banks often point out that they check the quality of the products and then recommend only the best in a category.

Some market participants believe it is possible or likely that any change runs roughly parallel to those that were recently introduced in the United States. However, the United States of America have to deal with faded unintended side effects of the protective measures that come from the administrative costs and the complexity of the new rules.

One of the main changes in investor protection in the United States introduced by the beginning of 2010 is the mandatory logging of all consultations. The protocols must be given to the customer and the products are sold only if the customer has signed the protocol. However, some industry experts believe that the papers would be written by the consultants to meet the legal requirements, but ultimately a lot of time would be needed for compliance with the formalities. Tom Frisk, manager of the property VZ center in the United States, believes that the implementation successes often come by default after a high administrative effort, but in fact do not bring the desired improvement in the quality of advice.

A second change concerns the so-called "package insert" that must be made mandatory from this summer. The Financial Services deliver standardized information about your product. The intention is to make the offers of different houses comparable. But now, the critics complain about the fact that the so-called KIDs (Key Information Documents) are no better than the traditional and highly customizable fact sheets that the provider issues anyway. Matthew Denser, Director of the American Funds Association, believes that investors will have to check the customized fact sheets more than at the KIDs, which only have to be updated once per year.

Avoid paternalism

Good advice is now given according to the financial risk profile of a customer and then only products that match the risk appetite and fit into the investment portfolio are recommends. This also means that the client is quickly assigned an internal category from the bank of to which he is then bound.

Visit www.dowaverage.com for a better understanding of investments and stock market index. Basically, the customer should also understand the product he buys. But the demand for the understanding has its limits. "Otherwise, a customer who understands little about finance will not invest in anything in the end", says bank manager Harry Ford. A "good" investor protection must find a balance between the extent of information on risks and the possible conflicts of interest, without manifesting a tendency towards paternalism and then towards administrative decay.

Posted by serni52 at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 31 January 2012 9:48 AM EST
Monday, 23 January 2012
Fine Cocktail Recipes

The Zombie recipe

3 cl of white rum
3 cl of Meyer's rum
2 oz of high proof rum
2 cl of cherry brandy
1 cl of lemon juice
1 cl of grenadine
4 cl of orange juice
4 cl of pineapple juice
1 lime quarter

Put the ingredients in the shaker together with ice cubes. Strain into a glass and add one third crushed ice. Squeeze the lime quarters over the drink. Serve with a straw.


Mojito also moves into the ranks of the most popular cocktails after the Caipirinha. This is undoubtedly due to the refreshing mint, lime and fruit combination, which make it a typical summer cocktail.

picture of cocktail. The Mojito recipe

6 cl of white Cuban rum
Crushed ice
Soda water
Fresh mint leaves
Brown sugar
1/2 lime
4 cl of lime juice (lime syrup)

Add the fresh mint leaves and half a lime into a glass and add the cane sugar. Stir them in the glass. Add the Cuban rum and 4 oz of lime juice (or the juice of 1/2 lime) and mix with plenty of crushed ice. Finally pour in the soda water and garnish with a sprig of mint.

Bloody Mary Cocktail

The main components of Bloody Mary are vodka and tomato juice - two parts tomato juice on some vodka. Round out the drink with salt (celery salt), pepper, lemon, Tabasco and Worcestershire. The alcohol-free variant is called Virgin Bloody Mary or Virgin Mary.

The Bloody Mary recipe

5 cl of vodka
10 cl of tomato juice
1 dash of Worcestershire
1 dash of Tabasco
Salt and freshly ground pepper
A little lemon juice
Ice cubes

Place all ingredients in a shaker and mix vigorously with some ice cubes. Strain into a highball glass or tumbler with some ice cubes.

The Caipirinha recipe

4-6 cl of Cachaca
1/2 lime
2 heaping teaspoons of cane sugar
Crushed ice

Half the lime is cut into small pieces (1/8) and crushed and the sugar is put in a stable glass.
Then the glass is filled with crushed ice, the cachaca is added and everything is stirred. In Brazil, Caipirinha is made with white cane sugar.

Wash the lime before processing. Cut the ends of the lime to prevent any bitter substances from affecting the flavor.


Country of origin: Brazil.

Favorite fruit: limes. Also, crushed limes, lemons, oranges and mint leaves.

Posted by serni52 at 12:01 AM EST
Monday, 16 January 2012
Pipe smoking



There are two types of men who have a little folding case like all those who love the pipes, and those who love rare also smoke a pipe. Naughtiness aside, it seems that the pipe’s 'anatomical' is what  makes the pleasures of the sensualist takes its name from the dark pipe smokers. In the late 18th century, the workshops of turners and carvers of pipes are mainly located on the edge of the Bois de Boulogne, already frequented by prostitutes. The proximity of the two activities probably has to use the expression "a blow" that we know today.

image of pipe.But beyond the similarities, the pipe is rare today and overwhelmed by cigarettes. Yet it has advantages, such as not to clog your lungs with smoke. And  you can relax by providing a subtle game of concentration and precision that make it simply a gesture of elegance. The pipe remains now as a sign of originality and should be kept with the tabacoo in a cigar humidor. It inspires the wisdom of its tribal origins, where some tribes made it a real rite of passage. Move from boy to man, so to speak. Closer to home, the first pipe has been the companion of the workers in the 18th century and early 19th and 20th until it becomes appanage intellectuals. She now says characters like Simenon or Brassens So, tempted?

Because it can happen at any age, for your first time, choose a classic. Briar preference. That should cost about 40 Euros, which is not ruining a test. Then choose your tobacco. Preferably light, such as a blue AMSTERDAM. Everything should be perfect  for your first introduction. The care taken in filling the pipe, called the jam, contributes significantly to the subtle pleasures of smoking  Take a pinch of snuff. Leave the drop to the bottom of the bowl, and then repeat until you reach the top of the pipe. During this process, do not tamp. Give a little help as to leave room for a new pinch. Repeat until the contents are sufficiently packed. While remaining flexible to the touch. To control the quality of your jam, suck in the pipe. If you pull hard, you’re too packed, so drain and repeat. If you feel no resistance, add tobacco. This task requires an act that is calm and moderate, as the jam is already an invitation to the pleasure of smoking.

On your first ignition, absolutely avoid petrol lighters that give a detestable taste to your tobacco. Choose matches or a gas lighter. Introduce the flame above the furnace and vacuum to move down. You must turn your tobacco in this way, avoiding the direct ablaze. Once turned on, tamp the flames with the tamper. Now, start to smoke, gently. The slowness is called for, so you can taste the smoke in your mouth, but do not inhale.

Three rules to follow: smoke slowly, do not pull hard on the pipe; do not keep your mouth too long. Tamp more tobacco, but always remaining flexible. Once your pipe is complete, turn the head (of the pipe, not yours) to the soil to dry. After your first successful session and if you like, you can finally discover hundreds of patterns and tobacco smoking for a genuine and unique habit that is all yours.

Posted by serni52 at 12:01 AM EST
Friday, 13 January 2012
How to Choose a Golf Driver


Simply by answering a few questions: What is your level of practice and mastery? What are your height and your body type? What is the goal you are trying to achieve with a new driver? Are you looking for more distance, more control, more comfort, more thrills, a more attractive look, a higher trajectory, a lower trajectory?

If you are a beginner, orient yourself towards graphite clubs with large heads. These are called "sweet spots" and have greater tolerance. Choose a shaft (handle) that is not too hard because you cannot reach your maximum technical and physical potential from the very beginning and cannot put enough acceleration into your club.

image of golf. On the other hand, if you are more experienced, you can choose a driver with a stiffer shaft to get better control and adjust the speed properly.

Your height and weight are also important when choosing a driver! The golf and junior golf equipment has been changed a lot to favor amateur players, so now you can use almost tailor-made clubs. The length of the shaft may not be the same if you measure 100 cm, 160 cm or 190 cm in height!

Similarly, the stiffness of the shaft may not be the same if you weigh 60 kg or 100 kg. Moreover, you will need a stiff club if you are big and heavy because your body is more difficult to control. Remember that golf is not all about mastery, but also about power!

That being said, being short and thin is not necessarily a disadvantage! The most talented professionals have proven that what matters most is to be able to manage your center of gravity! Just look at players like Ian Woosnam or Anthony Kim. Both are small but capable of propelling the ball just as far as other more athletic players.

Playing golf is largely a matter of controlling the body and the junior golf set. Your teacher will definitely speak of the importance of using your belly! It is the engine of the swing! It catalyzes your power and links the lower and upper body. In the end, the swing is just a form of communication between your body, your club and your ball.

Finally, be honest with yourself before choosing a new driver! What is your real objective? You want to be happy when you practice your hobby! You do not always need to look for other explanations!

Posted by serni52 at 12:01 AM EST
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
The Billiard Cue Stick


We cannot talk about billiard balls without mentioning the cue stick, of course! A pool cue stick is chosen according to the body size of the player and to the discipline and play mode. This is a personal choice, but it is good to know a few details.


Like any other billiard equipment, billiard cue sticks have undergone some changes. In the 15th century, it was just a curved wooden stick for pushing the ball on a table. The cue stick we know today appeared in the 18th century. The cue tip, a piece of leather glued to the tip of the tail, was invented around 1823, and it revolutionized the game to create impact with the ball.


The tail can be three-quarter (1/4 barrel, 3/4 arrow), half (1/2 barrel, half arrow) or solid. Here are the various components of a cue stick:


The heel is a rubber tip that protects the drum.

The choice of the drum depends on each level of the grip of the cue stick: the texture and weight are variable. The wood used for the shaft is often noble (rosewood, ebony...). Then, it is a matter of taste: the designs of French billiard cue sticks are generally much more sober than that of snooker cue tips. The quality of the wood and the inlaid feather appearance differ, as does the price of the tail. One can have graphite barrels for the game of snooker: they are mostly accompanied by graphite arrows, forming long queues, which are less likely to deform than wooden tails.


The choice of an arrow is important because it gives the gesture made during the game. Maple is the best material and its color is quite clear when it is good. Often used for the French or American billiard tails, maple provides good flexibility. The arrows can also be made of ash, a very strong material, used especially for snooker or English pool tails. The more flexible the arrow, the better will be the trajectory of the long balls. Conversely, the stiffer the arrow, the more it helps to refine the trajectory of the ball, but the effects will be more difficult to achieve. Therefore, flexible arrows are for precision and rigid ones for effects. It is better for beginners to choose a stiffer arrow because it makes it easier for them to introduce the balls in the pockets.


Ferrules were originally made of ivory, but they are currently made of plastic or metal, glued or force fitted into the boom. However, they can be replaced if necessary.

Cue tips

There are two types of cue tips: screwed and glued cue tips. The American ones are usually made of dash, blue leather. Screwed cue tips are recommended because they are more efficient during the game, but there are also glued tips, which are easier to fix.


The diameter of a billiard cue stick is equal to the diameter of the cue tip. A larger diameter lets you play with bigger billiard balls. Here are the standard sizes of cue sticks that can vary from one game to another:

French billiards: 140 cm with a diameter of 11 to 13 mm. The length can be reduced to a series of games (free portion or frame), more power being required in contrast to the extended set of three bands.

Bagatelle: 139 cm with a diameter of 8 to 9 mm.
Snooker: 144 cm with a diameter of 8 to 9 mm.
Pool: 147 cm with a diameter of 10 to 12 mm.


It ranges from 460 to over 600 grams. Heavier cue sticks are less suitable for three band games and series or artistic billiards. You always have to control the speed of the ball. The lighter the tail, the less power it has. However, it is advisable for beginners to opt for a little heavier cue stick (520 g) in order to avoid playing too hard and to be more precise.

Care and storage

Cleaning the barrel is quite simple, especially if it is varnished. Just wipe it with a dry cloth or one slightly moistened with water. The arrow may be cleaned with a damp cloth and then with a dry cloth. Some products also help cleanse and nourish the wood.

The cue stick can be stored in a soft case or a hard case, and the cue tip and the heel, which are less fragile, should be stored at the bottom of the case. You must isolate the chalk and avoid extreme temperatures (heat sources...).

Posted by serni52 at 12:01 AM EST
Sunday, 18 December 2011
Vitamins Minerals What one should eat


The main components of food are not enough for a healthy diet, i.e. carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The body will also need vitamins, minerals and trace elements. However, the main problem is that not all people respect the daily intake recommendations. An unbalanced diet, pregnancy and lactation, growth and competitive sports, but also an unhealthy lifestyle with stress, cigarettes and alcohol increase the vitamin and mineral needs of the organism.

Fruit and vegetables reduce the risk of disease

There is impressive evidence that the frequent consumption of fruit and raw and green vegetables reduces the risk of cancer (lung, stomach and colon, as well as breast and prostate cancer) as long as these are not genetically modified foods. And the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes can also be reduced significantly.

Responsible for this beneficial effect are the estimated 10,000 secondary plant compounds - the most famous are carotenoids and flavonoids. It is not yet clear which of these so-called secondary plant compounds are responsible for the protective effect. In principle, phytochemicals inhibit almost every stage of cancer.


Although oxygen is vital in its activated form, it also has negative effects on the organism. The body is continuously faced with free radicals and other pro-oxidants. The unsaturated fatty acids in membranes are very sensitive to oxidation. But proteins, carbohydrates and nucleic acids are also damaged.

At least five percent of processed oxygen supplies in line with the body's metabolic processes, such as auto-oxidation processes or enzymatic reactions, set the clock around highly reactive oxygen compounds. In addition to this, pollution (ozone, UV-B radiation, heavy traffic) leads to an increased proportion of reactive oxygen species.

Physical activity (high-performance sport) is equivalent to metabolic stress. Significantly more free radicals are produced during athletic activity, which the body cannot "neutralize" anymore. Especially athletes who exercise more than 15-20 hours per week should adjust their diet be for the optimal protection of their bodies and take nutritional supplements that contain antioxidants.

Antioxidant mechanisms

The body has significant antioxidant mechanisms to prevent damage or repair. These include antioxidant enzymes, but its activity is dependent on the supply with trace elements such as selenium and zinc. They are not sufficient for complete protection. The body is therefore dependent on the intake of exogenous antioxidants (radical scavengers) from food or special food supplements. The most studied antioxidants are vitamins C and E, as well as certain amino acids (glutamine, cysteine, arginine) and endogenous compounds (coenzyme Q10 and glutathione). In addition to this, there are the minerals zinc, selenium, copper and manganese, iron and magnesium. The antioxidant activity of the secondary plant compounds - carotenoids and polyphenols (flavonoids) being primary, is even higher than that of vitamins C and E.

What is the optimal diet?

What one should eat? A balanced diet is the best foundation for health. Those who eat plenty of fruit and vegetables should be able to fight against free radicals anytime. The recommendation is that you eat about 600 g fruits and vegetables daily, which should be distributed in three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit. A serving is considered a handful of fruit, such as an apple or a banana or fresh vegetables. With berries or cleaned and chopped vegetables, a serving means two full hands.

image of food.Five servings of fruits and vegetables a day – How does that work?

Not all fruit and vegetables (e.g. legumes and potatoes) are accepted. You should only eat fruit and vegetables that are fresh or that are approved as ready to eat products after preservation (by freezing or drying). The fat content may exceed 3 g per 100 g of food and the sugar content should not exceed 30 percent of the raw food. 100% fruit juices and juice concentrates are also included.

A healthy breakfast might be: Cereals mixed in a bowl of yogurt, purple, red and blue fresh berries and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. You can also eat whole grain bread with jam or with a cheese platter, garnished with green cucumber and red tomato quarters.

Your lunch should be more colorful. A broccoli casserole, an onion strudel, carrot and cabbage salad, baked zucchini, stuffed peppers, watercress soup and other vegetable dishes should be alternated at lunch. Just like the motto says: You should know what you eat!

The need for antioxidants is barely covered

Many scientists give recommended intakes of antioxidants which cannot be reached through a normal diet. For example, in order for you to eat one gram of vitamin C per day, you should eat 20-40 oranges or 50-80 apples. A supply of food supplements is therefore highly advisable. This applies especially to people in special situations (adolescents, pregnant and lactating women, athletes and elderly and sick people).

Posted by serni52 at 12:01 AM EST
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Playing Online Casino Games A Smart Way

Online casino games are popular forms of pastime now for stressed-out, constantly-online individuals. Sometimes they can offer easy, mindless, portable entertainment accessible via any Wi-Fi connected laptop, tablet, or smart phone. However, if one is not aware of his/her playing habits, then he/she becomes vulnerable to making some gauche - even dangerous - decisions whose effects may not be contained only in the virtual world but can spill into the real world, bringing real problems to the unwary individual.
Betting virtual points, for example, is a harmless activity. With online casinos encouraging players to play with real money through credit cards and offering high roller bonuses, however, it is not hard to see how real debts can sink a person who started out playing just for fun. To avoid this all-too-likely scenario (and it is likely, given the addictive nature of online casino games), here are some tips that all players must bear in mind to keep their game all clean fun and not the seeds of disaster.

casino.The most usual problem associated with both real and online casino games - glamorized forms of gambling all of them - is its draw on a player's finances. Betting is a crucial part of the game and stakes can run high. Unfortunately, players tend to bet large amounts and losing players tend to bet larger amounts. This can be a particular problem - with the losing player getting in deep financial trouble - if there is no set budget that he/she strictly follows. It is, thus, important for players to set their budgets before playing, meaning that they should know the limits to the amount of money they want or can afford to lose.

Of course, this may run contrary to the optimistic mindset that most players want to bring when playing at online casino sites. However, acknowledging that the chances of losing are huge is not only a smart move, but a practical one as well. In order to help players resist going over the set budget, they must choose to play with debit cards that have been loaded with only set budget. Never play using a credit card, and especially one with a large credit line.

Online casino games, by virtue of their accessibility and the inherent lure of casino games, are monstrous little time-suckers. Focused on the entertaining qualities of such games, the unwary and careless players may not notice time slipping away. Often, they find that they have whiled away the time meant for productive office work, studies, family, or social obligations and used it up for online casino games instead. To avoid this, players must resolutely manage their time to avoid turning into online gaming addicts.

Players must fix a set schedule for playing. There is no specific time for such a schedule, as this will depend on a player's specific circumstances. However, some ground rules must be established.

Playing, for example, during fifteen-minute coffee breaks is fine, but playing during work hours is a no-no. Playing at night as a way to wind down before hitting the hay is okay, but staying up late when there is a big presentation or an exam the next day is not good. Important family affairs must take precedence over online casino games. There are no fast and hard rules that will prevent disastrous results from playing online casino games too much and too hard. However, being aware of their hazards and striving for discipline in the face of an exciting game can be helpful in managing online casino game playing.

Posted by serni52 at 12:01 AM EST
Friday, 9 December 2011
COPD / Impact and Smoking



COPD affects the entire body: In COPD there are not only changes in the lung, but including the metabolism of muscles and bones and the cardiovascular system. In a scientific study of over 6,000 patients with mild to moderate COPD patients died more from cardiovascular diseases, particularly heart attacks and strokes than are in COPD.


In fact, a restricted pulmonary function is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. This is probably caused by inflammation due to COPD in the whole body. Smoking further strengthens the effects of COPD. This is also the advantage of weight loss in smokers, and in particular underweight COPD patients have adverse effects.
Cough and sputum:
Smoking and lung function
Bronchial hypersensitivity
Long-term oxygen therapy
Nicotine dependence and continued tobacco use

Depression risk

image of error. Cough and sputum:
Even smokers who are yet suffering from COPD are affected, more often than non smokers by producing cough and sputum. Conversely, smoking leads to the termination of a decrease in smokers cough. The smoker's cough is also a risk factor for deterioration of lung function and the likelihood of future hospital treatment.


Smoking and lung function

In many scientific studies it has been clearly demonstrated that smoking causes a deterioration of lung function. Smoking in youth reduces the normal lung growth, which is detectable during the later life too. Smoking accelerates annual lung function declines in late adulthood and especially in old age, and that increases with the strength of the smoking. On the other side it could clearly be shown in scientific studies that cessation of smoking, causes the annual decline in lung function to be reduced in non-smokers. After completion of smoking, it is even beginning to show a certain (re) growth of lung function.


Bronchial hypersensitivity

Smoking hinders the absorption of oxygen in the lungs and causes bronchial hypersensitivity (increased irritability of the bronchi). If there is no COPD, smoking cessation leads to a decrease of bronchial hypersensitivity. With already occurring COPD leading smoking cessation there is still a reduction, but not in normalization of bronchial hypersensitivity.     


Long-term oxygen therapy

Patients with advanced COPD often have a decreased oxygen concentration in the blood. In severe hypoxia, it may then be necessary to have Long-term oxygen therapy performed. Smoking during oxygen therapy causes the risk of possible severe burns and is extremely dangerous.


There are many people who have stopped smoking cigarettes for more than a year. These people acknowledge significant improvements in their health status in the first quarter: increased lung capacity, physical and mental endurance, and improved memory, reflexes, sleep, regulation of blood counts. These reports are evidence of that instead of a ban on the sale of electronic cigarettes, they should be regulated and promoted by products of unknown or dubious origin from the market.

Posted by serni52 at 10:14 AM EST

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